This course makes two extraordinary claims: that our life’s ultimate goal is friendship with God and that the Scriptures provide the roadmap. Friendship with God is a gift of Holy Wisdom (Wis 7:27). God speaks to Moses face to face as one speaks to a friend (Exod 33:11). And most striking of all these biblical examples, Jesus calls his own disciples “friends” (John 15:15). This course engages a dynamic process that integrates personal experience with biblical study in order to trace the emerging theology of friendship in the Scriptures.
This class is being offered in a modified distance-learning format. Lectures will be recorded and available on the class website. Those participating at a distance will be able to view the lecture at a convenient time and join a discussion with the faculty and other online students. Join the conversation and audit this course for $600. Participants seeking academic credit and/or auditors who have never attended a course at CTU will be required to complete a brief application for admission. Register or learn more by completing the form below or contact Janet Hoffman at or 773-371-5444.
I have not previously enrolled in a course at CTU.