Degrees & Certificates
CTU is a graduate school of theology and ministry that provides second-to-none education to both men and women, religious and lay.
Degrees & Certificates
CTU students are ready and excited to go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ: that all people deserve justice, love, and peace.
Click here to learn more about the courses offered at CTU, including full descriptions and department listings,
Centers & Programs
At Catholic Theological Union, we care about context. No faith tradition exists in a vacuum.
Centers & Programs
CTU houses a number of specialized centers and programs designed to support research and academic programming in various area of interest.
From scripture to restorative justice, from liturgy to spirituality: Our faculty are the best in the business. Click here to learn more about their research, courses, and publications.
Since the 1980’s, the Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program has been a cornerstone of CTU education.
Formation is the bridge between the spiritual and the academic, bringing the whole person into the classroom.
At CTU, all students are invited to participate in one of our specialized formation programs, and it's a requirement for all Master's level students.
Field Education
Field Education is an integral part of a CTU education. As a school of theology and ministry, practical experience in ministry is essential .
Field Education
Field Education offers the opportunity to explore ministry in a supervised setting and to participate.
For the first 3 weeks in June, all are welcome to take a sampling of CTU courses, either for credit or for fun.
Courses typically run for one week and are primers on contemporary topics in ministry and theology, relevant and accessible to all.
Continuing Education
Whether you've been working in ministry for one year or for 60: CTU designs continuing ed programs with your professional development in mind.
Continuing Education
Continuing education provides robust opportunities to reorient your career around the most contemporary theology, no matter the age or stage of life.

CTU is a SARA approved school. We are authorized by the State of Illinois to teach distance learning courses in Illinois and 48 other states.