The board is comprised of 41 members. Its members include representatives from each of the Corporation member religious communities, alumni, as well as other committed lay professionals from across the country who bring particular expertise and perspective.

Rev. James Baraniak, O Praem
Canons Regular of Premontre
Chicago, IL

Pavil T. Cherian, MD
Chicago, IL

David O. Barrett
Chicago, IL

Rev. Leandro Fossa, cs
Sun Valley, CA

Conor J. Heaton
Lake Bluff, IL

Rev. Alfonso Kim, MM
New York, NY

Rev. John Thomas Lane, SSS
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament Privince of St. Ann

Rev. Mark Marangone, sx
Wayne, NJ

Rev. Richie Mercado, OSA
Chicago, IL

Rev. Stephen Niskanen, CMF
Chicago, IL

Rev. Matheus Ro, SVD
Society of the Divine Word
Chicago, IL

Rev. Michael Surufka, OFM
Chicago, IL

Richard H. Tilghman
Chicago, IL

Br. Gary Wegner, OFM Capuchin
Detroit, MI

Katie Owens Mulcahy
LaGrange Park, IL

Rev. Benjamin Berinti, CPPS
Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Mary Margaret Cowhey
Park Ridge, IL

Stephen Fitzell
Chicago, IL

Susan Goodman
Lake Bluff, IL

Mary Ann Kennedy-O'Neill
Glenview, IL

Rev. Godwin Kwame Kornu, mccj
Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus

Rev. Glen Lewandowski, OSC
Onamia, MN

Rev. James, McCloskey, CSSp
Pittsburgh, PA

Rev. David Monaco, CP
New York, NY

Rev. Paul Novak, OSM
Chicago, IL

Rev. John Schork, CP
Congregation of the Passion,
Holy Cross Province
Park Ridge, Illinois

Thomas L. Taylor
Chicago, IL

Patrick J. Unzicker
Chicago, IL

Sheila Brown
Santa Fe, New Mexico

Thomas P. Brown, Chair
Winnetka, IL

Angela Dinger Gillespie
New York, NY

Maureen Fitzpatrick
Chicago, IL

Rev. Kurt F. Hartrich, OFM
Sacred Heart Province
Chicago, IL

Sr. Mūmbi Kigūtha, CPPS
Chicago, IL

Mark Laboe, DMin
Chicago, IL

James L. Lubawski
Wilmette, IL

William J. McNally
Chicago, IL

Rev. Jason Nesbit, CSV
Arlington Heights, IL

Sr. Barbara E. Reid, OP
Dominican Sisters of Grand Rapids, Michigan
Chicago, IL

Carole Segal
Chicago, IL

Rev. Francis S. Tebbe, OFM
Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans) OFM,
Chicago, IL

Dilnaz Waraich
Chicago, IL

Rev. Aaron Meszaros, CSsR
Chicago, IL
CTU is governed by a Union of 23 men’s religious communities. Provincials of each of the communities comprise CTU’s Corporation Board, responsible for the fiscal oversight of the institution.

Very Rev. Giovanni Bizzotto, cs
Missionaries of St. Charles/Scalabrinians
Province of St. John the Baptist

Very Rev. David Colhour, CP
Congregation of the Passion
Holy Cross Province

Very Rev. Mark Joseph Costello, OFM Capuchin
Capuchin Franciscan Friars
St. Joseph Province

Very Rev. Tom Enneking, osc
USA Province of St. Odilia

Very Rev. Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ
North American Province

Very Rev. Mark Francis, CSV
Clerics of St. Viator
Province of the United States

Very Rev. Lawrence Hayes, OFM
Order of Friars Minor
Our Lady of Guadalupe Province

Very Rev. Paul Keller, CMF
United States Province

Very Rev. Jeffrey Kirch, CPPS
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
United States Province
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
United States Province

Very Rev. John Thomas Lane, SSS
Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament
Province of St. Ann

Very Rev. Mark Marangone, SX
Xaverian Missionaries
USA Province

Very Rev. Don McEachin, CSSp
Province of the United States

Very Rev. Lance Nadeau, MM
U.S. Foundation

Very Rev. Adam Oleszczuk, SVD
Society of the Divine Word
Chicago Province

Very Rev. James O’Shea, CP
Congregation of the Passion
St. Paul of the Cross Province

Very Rev. Anthony Pizzo, OSA
Midwest Province of Augustinians

Right Rev. Dane Radecki, O Praem
St. Norbert Abbey

Very Rev. Chris Saenz, SSC
United States Region

Very Rev. Eugene Smith, OSM
USA Province

Very Rev. Kevin Zubel, CSsR
Denver Province

Ann Kenny Carr
Chicago, IL

Eleanor O. Clarke
Lake Forest, IL

David Donnay, osc
Phoenix, AZ

Teresita Gonzales-Lowry
Chicago, IL

Michael Heaton
Wilmette, IL

William Lawlor, III
Evanston, IL

David M. Murdoch
Evanston, IL

Carolyn Noonan Parmer
Winnetka, IL

Katarina Schuth, OSF
St. Paul, MN

Barry Sullivan
Chicago, IL

Donna M. Carroll
Washington, DC

Richard A. DeGraff
Naperville, IL

Michael Doyle, OSM
Chicago, IL

James R. Halstead, O.S.A.
Chicago, IL

John B. Higgins
Glenview, IL

Richard J Meister
Oak Park, IL

Daniel R. Murray
Chicago, IL

Thomas P. Reynolds, SSC
Pico Rivera, CA

Edmund A. Stephan, Jr.
Poinciana, FL

Fidelis N. Umeh
Lincolnwood, IL

Judith Chiarelli
Chicago, IL

James M. Denny
Chicago, IL

Mark R. Francis, CSV
Arlington Heights, IL

James Haugh
Oak Brook, IL

Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ
St. Louis, MO

Michael Miller, MSC
Rome, Italy

Joan F. Neal
Ashburn, VA

Mary Ann Rowan
Chicago, IL

Marjorie H. Stephan
Wilmette, IL

Joan Wrenn
Oak Park, IL