
Join us for the Hesburgh Renewal Program, a curriculum-centered, community-based, holistic program that fosters both personal and professional renewal and provides continuing formation. This Continuing Education program is crafted for those who have served the Church in ministry, but is open to anyone looking for a theological update.

The program components include scripture, theology, liturgy, spirituality, and psychology. All modules are presented from a pastoral perspective to help participants reflect upon their past ministry experience as they plan for their future mission.

Hesburgh Renewal Program

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Program is fully online.

Modes of engagement include lecture, discussion, small group dialogue.

Presentations will be online live via zoom and recorded for review and available for asynchronous participants or for those who may have missed a session. The presenters are members of CTU faculty and visiting experts.

Courses include lectures, discussions, small group dialogue and theological reflection groups. Spiritual Direction and Theological Reflection will be encouraged for those who desire further integration of the material.

The program meets daily Monday – Thursday, February 19 – March 28, 2024, 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Central via Zoom. The cost is $650 USD.

2024 Program Schedule

Hesburgh Renewal Program

Mary Jo Curtsinger, CSJ 
Coordinator, Hesburgh Renewal Program