Edward Foley, Capuchin
Edward Foley, Capuchin is the Duns Scotus Professor Emeritus of Spirituality, retired Professor of Liturgy and Music and founding director of the Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry Program at Catholic Theological Union. He holds graduate degrees in ministry, music and theology including the Ph.D. from Notre Dame. He has released collections of CDs and DVDs, authored or edited 30 books, produced 57 book chapters, 47 peer review articles, and almost 200 encyclopedia, dictionary and pastoral articles translated into 9 languages. He has lectured around the world from the catechetical institute in Mumbai to the Mayo Clinic, for 6000 teens in the Houston Astrodome to graduate students in Brisbane, from St. Scholastica College in Manila to Wescott College in Cambridge.
A Lilly sabbatical Fellow, recipient of the Berakah lifetime achievement award from the North American Academy of Liturgy, and honored in 2020 with the Frederick McManus award from the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions, he presides and preaches at Old St. Patrick’s Church in Chicago and St. Mary’s Church in Riverside.
Homily Outlines
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
31st Sunday of the year, Cycle A
20th Sunday of the Year, A
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Cycle A
Third Sunday of Lent, Cycle A
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Preaching with Sciences

Edward Foley, Capuchin
Duns Scotus Professor Emeritus of Spirituality
Professor of Liturgy and Music (retired)
Catholic Theological Union
Vice-Postulator, Cause of Blessed Solanus