Possible Preaching Themes
Possible Scientific Resources
- Encountering of the stranger (linked to Gospel)
- The power of hope (mostly linked to second reading)
- The gift of water (linked to first reading and Gospel)
- Encountering the stranger
- David Berreby’s TED talk on “Us and Them” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EdqxIR_w8A
- Short article on why our brains see the world as “us” versus “them” https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-our-brains-see-the-world-as-us-versus-them/
- The importance of thinking of others as “individuals” https://www.scaruffi.com/peace/sapolsky.pdf
- Short video from leading neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky about hope in the face of our being hard wired to think us vs. them https://bigthink.com/videos/robert-sapolsky-us-vs-them-thinking-is-hardwired-but-theres-hope-for-us-yet/
- The power of hope
- Short article on how hope protects the brain https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/scientists-find-out-how-hope-protects-the-brain/
- Short article on the neuroscience behind hope https://www.brainhealthhacks.com/2008/10/16/the-neuroscience-behind-hope/
- Longer podcast on the psychology of hope https://alltheragescience.com/podcast/episode106/
- Short summary article on the psychology of hope https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mental-health-in-the-workplace/202110/the-psychology-of-hope
- Life giving water
- Short, somewhat technical article on the necessity of water for life https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/uncategorized/2019/biological-roles-of-water-why-is-water-necessary-for-life/
- Another short, less technical article describing the critical properties of water https://courses.lumenlearning.com/wm-nmbiology1/chapter/why-life-depends-on-water/
- Easy article on how water appeared on earth https://scitechinstitute.org/earths-water-where-did-it-all-come-from/
- Overview article with short video from United Nations about the global crises concerning access to clean water https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/water
Homily Outline Combining Resources
Homily outline on life giving water and the stranger: squeezing water from a rock
- The physical need for water
- Some creatures can survive for days, weeks, even months without water
- A cheetah for 10 days
- a bat for 6 months
- a desert tortoise for 1 year
- a kangaroo rat for 10 years
- Human beings don’t have that kind of physical tolerance
- Generally speaking we can last a few days without water
- That is if we are in relatively good health
- Water is critical for our biological survival because of many characteristics
- Its cohesive capacity to bond with other molecules
- Its ability to support cellular structure
- Its buffering power against dangerous effects of acids and bases
- The United Nations estimated that in 2019 over 2 billion people lacked access to safe drinking water
- Some creatures can survive for days, weeks, even months without water
- Where did this essential life ingredient come from?
- Water covers over 70% of the planet earth but this was not always so
- Some scientists believe water is an alien visitor to earth
- When 4 billion years ago
- A heavy bombardment of countless meteors delivered oceans to earth
- Supporting evidence is the existence of huge amounts of water in asteroids
- Which scientists are hoping to extract
- In order to establish infrastructures for surviving in space
- Others belief that water was already inside our planet and came to the surface over time
- Hydrous materials have recently been discovered inside the earth
- Prompting some to believe that there is more water below earth’s surface than the oceans above [up to 6 quintillion gallons!]
- Jesus as a source of living water
- Folk wisdom teaches that you can’t get blood out of a turnip
- But scientists are now genetically modifying plants to produce human blood proteins
- Similar wisdom teaches that you can’t squeeze water from a stone
- Though scientists are proving that wrong as wel
- Astrophysicists extracting water from meteorites
- and hydrogeologists extracting it from the earth’s crust
- Metaphorically one could say that the exodus people in the first reading
- “squeezed” water out of the rock at Massah and Meribah
- Where they “tested” the Lord
- The Samaritan woman in John’s Gospel did not have to squeeze life-giving water out of Jesus – no one did
- Rather Jesus freely gives his life-giving water
- Which ironically squeezes the truth out of her
- And liberates her for true worship and discipleship
- Jesus’ life-giving water has notable and essential characteristics for sustaining Christian living
- Jesus-water has a cohesive capacity, allowing even strangers to bond
- His life-giving gift is essential for supporting the integrity of a faith community
- His gracious abundance has its own buffering power against the acidic prejudice, violence and hatred that too often poisons our environment
- Some of these effects are clearly on display in the gospel
- Where his countercultural hospitality transforms not only one woman’s life
- But opens his disciples’ eyes to the beauty of the stranger
- And through the “holy hydration” of this one woman, an entire community is transformed into believers
- Jesus’ life-giving water has notable and essential characteristics for sustaining Christian living
- Folk wisdom teaches that you can’t get blood out of a turnip
- Our Liquid Mission
- One powerful characteristic of water is its capacity for cohesiveness
- Sometimes called the “universal solvent”
- The Jesus gift is a gift of cohesion, community building, and stranger welcoming
- Jesus does this by treating each individual, like the Samaritan woman, as an individual
- In a word he “individuates” embracing the fact that every “them” is an individual
- In Baptism Christians not only were graced with this life-giving water
- but also watered, nourished, hydrated for mission
- to be a pipeline of this infinite resource to others
- We do so by growing as a cohesive community in justice and grace
- Jointly deploying sometimes hidden or untapped reservoirs of respect and empathy in the face of acrimony and alienation
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his ”Rime of the Ancient Mariner” memorably wrote:
- Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink
- Billions of fellow human beings today have no access to clean drinking water
- Billions more are thirsting for justice, for hope, for peace and for affirmation
- Today we reaffirm our baptismal journey
- In solidarity with the elect who these holy days journey toward their own initiation into Jesus’ life-giving waters at Easter
- As we drink of this abundance in word and sacrament, in community and fellowship
- We commit ourselves to be lifelines of justice, conduits of mercy, ambassadors of the shocking hospitality revealed in Jesus, our true source of life.
- One powerful characteristic of water is its capacity for cohesiveness
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Preaching with Sciences

Edward Foley, Capuchin
Duns Scotus Professor Emeritus of Spirituality
Professor of Liturgy and Music (retired)
Catholic Theological Union
Vice-Postulator, Cause of Blessed Solanus