The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM)

The Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a worldwide religious community of Catholic women dedicated to serving God by responding to the needs of God’s people. We follow in the footsteps of Mary Ward, a young English woman who founded the community in 1609 in present day Belgium. From there the institute spread throughout Europe, to Canada in 1847, and to the United States in 1880. In the United States, the Institute is now present in Arizona, California, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Although education was our primary work, sisters now serve in a wide variety of educational, pastoral, and social ministries. We continue to follow the path envisioned by Mary Ward by living freedom, justice, and sincerity in our times. Inspired by Mary Ward’s vision, we pray more passionately and live more radically our Ignation spirituality and share it with those among whom we live and work. We commit our energies and resources to promoting the dignity and liberation of all, particularly of women and children; to challenging unjust systems and structures; to standing with those on the edges of society; to showing reverent care for the earth and all creation. We challenge ourselves to act as one body, with one Mission. IBVM’s serve in twenty-three countries across the world.