Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province (CSJ)

Called by God and passionate for the mission of Jesus, the Sisters of St. Joseph come together to serve all persons. With a distinctive spirit of hospitality and a particular concern for the poor, we witness to the Gospel message by being a unifying and reconciling presence to a world in need. (Mission Statement of the Albany Province)
As Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, we are called to the same profound love of God and love of neighbor without distinction that characterized the women who founded our congregation over 360 years ago. Rooted in prayer, in community living and in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we commit ourselves to the mission of unity and reconciliation, nonviolence and peacemaking through concrete efforts toward our goal of communion with the sacred, with the Earth, with one another, with the Church and with all whom we meet. We desire always to move toward a greater inclusivity and unifying love that reverences diverse cultures and faiths, reflects the interconnectedness of all creation and gives direction to our ministry. Our patron, St. Joseph, reminds us of the openness and humility we need to deepen communion as expressed in our Constitution, our early documents and the Gospel of Jesus. Joseph, man of justice, peace, courage and love faithfully followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and calls us to do the same.