Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey (OPRAEM)

The Norbertine Community of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey is the youngest Abbey in our nearly 900 year old Order. Over 400 years after the Roman Catholic Faith was brought to New Mexico we as Norbertines, Canons Regular of Prémontré, are planting the seeds of our ancient tradition to live a life of community, contemplation and compassionate service with the people of God in the southwestern United States. Our life is marked by a gift of self in life-long conversion toward God guided by the Rule of St. Augustine as we strive to live as the earliest Christians. We live this by a stable commitment to life in community and service in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe through the sung prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, celebration of the Eucharist, common table, and dedication to the poor and needy. From the contemplative center of our Abbey life we go forth in service to the world.