Crosier Fathers and Brothers (OSC)

Living together for God alone, Crosiers are vowed men who live and work in a community to keep the Gospel alive and proclaimed. The Crosier charism centers on our commitment to live and work in community, to celebrate the prayer of the Church, and to serve the people of God in light of the Cross of Christ as a sign of hope and glory. Because of our call to an Augustinian form of communal life, each member gives himself to the life and unity of the community while respecting each man for the unique person he is. Just like every Christian family, the Crosier religious community forms one part in the building up of the Church, the People of God. As a community founded in faith more than 800 years ago, we recognize that prayer is an essential expression and source of our life and work together. We gather five times a day to pray together as a community: in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. We live out the special Crosier vocation to foster the liturgy of the Church–both the liturgy of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours–by coming together regularly to pray. Our whole life is given in service. We serve Jesus by serving others through our various ministries, and through our most immediate apostolate–our community life–we are called to assist our confreres in charity and unity, by our prayers, and through all of our daily activities. Crosiers actively minister to the needs of the Church and society, working in education, chaplain service, pastoral ministry, spiritual direction, jail ministry, immigration services, and elder care.