Joshua Mutende Maondo

Tribute to Fr. Don Senior.

God will lead.

O God open our lip’.
And let our supplications to you rise up.
For thy servants are in sorrow so deep.
For the loss of a dear one we weep.
And in this sorrow our hearts leap.
For you, O God, have decided to reap.
Your servant Don Senior who, to you, was ripe.

O God make haste to help us.
And if there is zoom in heaven, link us.
For life has separated us
From a professor so dear to us.
A scholar so rouse.
A faithful servant that you chose.
And now to you and with you he belongs.

God, your servant knew your word.
Not just by mind but by heart and deed.
And he taught to those in need
Even to those who would not heed.
To biblical scholars, he was their guide.
And to the students he was our scriptural dad.
A light to the seekers of your word.

To his community should I say?
Because he was a star in array.
Did he belong to one community? No way!
For he was a pillar of many communities in anyway.
And people would gather around him come what may.
For he had wisdom to give away.
And a smile to brighten the day.

And so, God most merciful.
We come to you so sorrowful.
Grant eternal rest to our departed brother’s soul.
May you grant him pardon from all his foul.
May our mother comfort our hearts that are painful.
May we meet at the better side of the wall.
As we follow your word that he taught us all.

poem Composed by:
Joshua Mutende Maondo.
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.