The First Hispanic Theology Program
What does it mean to be Latin@CTU? We hear it all the time, “The future of the Church is Hispanic/Latin@!” In truth, the present Church – and the past Church – are all inculturated with Hispanic and Latin@ reflections of Catholic faith. Since the 1980’s, the Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program has been a cornerstone of CTU education. Shortly thereafter, the Romero Program was born. Here at CTU, Hispanic and Latin@ Catholicism is a part of everything we do. But for those who have particualr interest or identity within this community, there’s no better place than CTU to study the ins and outs of ministry with and for this part of our Church.

Explore Our Programs
Hispanic Theology and Ministry Program (HTMP) provides theological education that is historically, culturally, pastorally, and theologically situated in Latin@ contexts.
Through academic degrees, concentrations, certificates, and Latin@-themed courses, HTMP prepares students for theological study, ministry, and leadership in a church that is increasingly Latino/a in the USA. Through Latinx faculty, lectures, public events, and special programming, HTMP resources the greater community in pastoral ministry and theology done latinamente.
The Óscar Romero Scholars Program prepares lay, Hispanic and Latin@ women and men for professional ministry.
Romero Scholars earn a graduate degree with the benefit of a creative formation program inspired by the life and ministry of Saint Óscar Romero.
Pathways@CTU is a scholarship program and intentional community.
It provides funding, graduate assistantship, and designated formation to young adults from marginalized communities, including Hispanic/Latin@, Black, AAPI, Indigenous, LGBTQ+, and disabled students. Pathways students are interested in issues of justice, community organizing, and co-creating the Church of the future.
Haciendo Caminos
Through the year 2027, Catholic Theological Union is a member school of the Haciendo Caminos grant program, which provides formation opportunities, professional development, and fellowship funds to young, Hispanic/Latin@ students at member schools.
These students, called Fellows, may utilize these funds to support non-tuition based needs, including but not limited to living expenses, research funding, travel funds, and more.
All Romero Scholars who are on track to receive their degree before 2027 are automatically elligble to be Haciendo Caminos fellows.