Sunday Scripture Reflections
Sunday Scripture Reflections
Receive timely, insightful reflections each week from CTU’s renowned faculty, theologians and thought leaders.
LOGOS Newsletter
LOGOS Newsletter
Receive the print version of our spring and fall newsletter offering CTU news, features and alumni profiles.
Access continuing theological education and media resources for your personal or ministerial development.
Social Media
Social Media
Engage online through CTU’s social media presence, offering timely media and articles.Engage online through CTU’s social media presence, offering timely media and articles.Engage online through CTU’s social media presence, offering timely media and articles.
CTU Events
CTU Events
Attend free lectures given by world-renowned faculty and guest lecturers from around the world.Attend free lectures given by world-renowned faculty and guest lecturers from around the world.
Academic Access
Academic Access
Audit or take a class or workshop this summer in Hyde Park. Online options are available as well.