CTU Alumnus Named Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops
On January 30, Pope Francis selected Bishop Robert Francis Prevost, OSA as the next Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops, succeeding Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet. Bishop Prevost is a 1982 graduate of Catholic Theological Union.
Before coming to CTU, Bishop Prevost studied at Villanova University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in mathematics in 1977. He joined the Augustinians that same year, and then came to CTU to earn an MDiv degree after professing his solemn vows. He went on to earn a doctoral degree in canon law from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. The Midwest Augustinians are members of the CTU Corporation.
Bishop Prevost began his missionary service to Peru in 1985 and has served in numerous capacities. He returned to the United States from 1999-2014 to serve as Provincial of the Augustinian Province in Chicago and then as Prior General of the Augustinians. He returned to Peru as Bishop of Chiclayo in 2015, where he has ministered since.
Sister Barbara Reid, OP, reflected on the Pope’s selection of Bishop Prevost, “Catholic Theological Union prepares its graduates to serve in myriad ministries in more than sixty countries around the world. Bishop Robert Prevost, OSA, embodies the spirit of disponiblity endemic to our graduates: to be ready to serve wherever the Church calls and the Spirit leads. From academic classrooms to poor barrios, to the upper echelons of administration: Bishop Prevost has spread the good news of Christ’s justice, love, and peace. We hold him in prayer as he assumes this new ministry as Prefect of the Dicastery of Bishops.”
Bishop Prevost will assume his responsibilities as Prefect on April 12, 2023.