The Paul Bechtold Library
Guides to Make the Most of Your Library
A growing collection of guides will help you learn to use Bechtold Library resources, find materials by subject, and get help when you need it!
Trouble Accessing A Resource?
If you’re new to CTU, you must set up a user name and password to use with the Library. The IT Department manages those accounts. Contact the Help Desk using your CTU e-mail address for assistance. If you are able to log in to most resources but are having trouble with a specific electronic item, please contact a librarian (see the CTU Directory).
Learn how to request that the Library staff retrieve a book for you for pickup: Requesting-Books-from-the-CTU-Library
Please see the list of tutorials provided by Atla for help organizing your search, refining search results, using Boolean operators, truncating search terms, searching for scripture citations, and more!
Please see our LibGuide to E-books at CTU.
What is the Chicago Manual of Style? Resource from the Univeristy of Chicago Press.
Chicago Manual of Style Online. You will need a CTU user ID and password to access this resource.

Kris Veldheer
Director, The Paul Bechtold Library
773 371 5465