
“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.” – 1 Corinthians 12:7

Training for Impactful Ministry

Career Planning

Assembling research and artifacts to aid in discerning one’s ministerial vocation and career options.

Assessment Tools

Self-assessments to identify and validate aptitudes and skills.

The Resume

How to write a compelling resume and cover letters that tells your story.


How to use social media to proclaim the Good News and build a network.

Job Search

How to find the right ministry placement for you.

Job Search

Basic business and non-profit mission-oriented skills.


The goal of the CTU’s Pathways in Professional Ministry program is to support the transformation of CTU students’ vocations, as evidenced by their charisms, talents, and aptitudes, into fully actualized, marketable skills for pastoral leadership in the Church (ad intra) as well as outside the Church (ad extra). The program also offers skills training for mission-driven careers in the nonprofit and business sectors. The services are available to all current students, whether on an ordination track, religious, or lay.  Alumni are welcome to access the resources as they transition during their ministry careers and are invited to mentor and coach current students.

Our goal is to help students’ career planning such that every student will have a paid ministry placement waiting for them prior to graduation or be better skilled to provide pastoral leadership in their desired  ministry.  The Career Services program is guided by a Spirit-inspired mission culture of career readiness.

Ready to get started? Explore your ministry options or next career move. 

Contact careerservices@ctu.edu to schedule an appointment.

Or reach out directly to one of our career services team:

Herb Quinde at hquinde@ctu.edu

or Gerald Doyle at gdoyle@ctu.edu.

Ministry Career Guideline


Learn about CTU's career services for ministry guidelines and checkists.

Pathways in Professional Ministry

Job Listings


Stay updated and view recent postings for ministry related job opportunities in the Chicagoland area and beyond.

Job Listings

Inspiring CTU Alumni

Inspiring CTU Alumni

Highlighting the work that our alumni do is a vital part of telling the CTU story, and we want to ensure we learn the stories of CTU alumni from all corners of the globe.

Coming Soon

Career Services Events


Join us for Harambee, Catholic Theological Union’s annual fundraising event dedicated to supporting the Augustus Tolton Pastoral Ministry Program. “Harambee,” a Swahili word meaning “Let us pull together,” beautifully reflects the spirit of unity, collaboration, and shared purpose that underpins this special evening. The Tolton Program is a transformative initiative that empowers Lay Black Catholic men and women to serve their communities through ministry. This program provides academic, personal, spiritual, and professional preparation to meet the unique needs of Black Catholics, whether in predominantly Black Catholic spaces or other communities.

Hesburgh Renewal Program

    Hesburgh Renewal Program
Join us for the Hesburgh Renewal Program, a curriculum-centered, community-based, holistic program that fosters both personal and professional renewal and provides continuing formation. This Continuing Education program is crafted for […]

Annual Interfaith Iftar Dinner-2025

    Ramadan is the holiest and most significant month of the year for Muslims. It is a time of fasting from dawn to sunset, prayer, charity, and self-reflection. Beyond being a […]

    Pathways Environmental Justice Round-Table

      In Person
    The Environmental Justice Round-Table at Catholic Theological Union will bring together environmental justice advocates, faith-based organizations, and local leaders to foster dialogue and action planning around the environmental crisis. Our […]

    Spring Shapiro Lecture | A Jewish Theology of the Church

      In Person & Online
    In recent decades, Jewish theologians, responding in part to overtures from Christians, and building on precedents recovered from their tradition, have articulated a range of Jewish theological approaches to Christianity. […]

    Peacemakers 2025

    David Rubenstein Forum at University of Chicago
    The peacemakers, those who put an end to violence, who lay down the sword, who work for harmonious relationships, who break the patterns of hatred, who love even their enemies, will be called ‘children of God,’ the ultimate blessing. These ‘children of God,’ be they Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Middle East, or we gathered here, are mandated by our great religious traditions to be peacemakers.