Welcome to the Writing Resource Center

“In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ” – Ephesians 3:4

About WRC
WRC Drop-in Hours
Writing Workshops

Writing Support

The Writing and Resource Center supports CTU students during their studies and as they prepare for graduation and future ministries.​​

Current CTU Students can access additional resources on the Writing and Resource Center D2L site. Writing and Resource Center services range from peer tutoring, monthly workshops, to one-on-one appointments and drop-in hours.

Any questions can be directed to Writing and Resource Center Adriana “Dri” Rivera at arivera@ctu.edu .

Adriana “Dri” Rivera

A former middle school English teacher, Dri received a BS in Secondary English Education from Indiana University Bloomington and an MDiv from McCormick Theological Seminary. Dri is currently pursuing a PhD in Christian Education and Congregational Studies at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary in Evanston, IL; specializing in online theological education and critical digital pedagogies.

Room 338

During drop-in hours, students can ask questions about the peer tutoring process, receive help related to specific writing assignments, and gain clarification about any aspect of the writing process. Students can come to the WRC office on CTU’s campus (room 338) or making an appointment with the WRC director using this LINK.

  • In-Person Hours: Monday 10am-3pm, Tuesday 10am-12pm
  • Virtual Hours: Wednesday 3-6pm, Thursday 1-6pm, Friday 1-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm

Hybrid Workshops

Writing Workshops are skill-building workshops where students learn specific techniques, tricks, and tips related to academic writing. Participants will leave Writing Workshops with academic writing skills that can be utilized for various writing assignments throughout their time at CTU. Writing Workshop topics cover how to write critical response papers, how to write final papers, study strategies for final exams, etc. Writing Workshops will take place monthly during the spring semester. Registration information for Writing Workshops can be found in News, Notes, and Reminders. All workshops are hybrid unless otherwise stated.