Welcome to Catholic Theological Union!

We are grateful to have prayed with you and the Ignatian Solidarity Network throughout Lent and into this joyous Easter season! We are proud to support and join in the work of ISN in advocating for social justice.

If you haven’t met us before, we’re Catholic Theological Union! We’re a graduate school of theology and ministry in Chicago committed to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace. We’ve highlighted a few of our unique offerings below for you to explore. You can also follow us on Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook or email us at admissions@ctu.edu.


Pathways@CTU is a new living-learning community for young adults, especially those from Hispanic/Latin@, African American, Asian American/Pacific Islander, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized groups, who are passionate about co-creating the Church of tomorrow.

Bernardin Center

At the Bernardin Center, our core mission is to find and foster common ground between people who think differently, pray differently, and approach complex issues differently.

Schreiter Institute

The Schreiter Institute supports research on the integration of a healing Catholicism within local cultures and, particularly, on the urgent mission of reconciliation in our modern world.

Latin@ CTU

The present – and the past – Church are all inculturated with Hispanic and Latin@ reflections of Catholic faith. Here at CTU, Hispanic and Latin@ Catholicism is a part of everything we do.

Degrees & Certificates

Through a variety of Master's Degrees and a Doctor of Ministry degree program, as well as a variety of graduate-level certificate programs, CTU prepares the next generation of Catholic readers prepared to meet the changing needs of the Church.

Funding your studies

The #1 concern of graduate students is how they're going to afford their studies. At CTU, we work diligently to ensure that no student who wants a degree in theology or ministry has to say no for financial reasons. Almost 100% of our lay students receive a full or partial scholarship!