Upcoming Events

Sundays at CTU Lecture with Fr. John Kartje

    In-Person & Online

From grains to galaxies, “through him all things were made.” Join us for an exploration and celebration of the real presence of Christ’s Paschal Mystery that sounds and resounds throughout humanity and the entire cosmos.

For Love of the Broken Body

    Book Event
210 BC

Sister Chioma Ahanihu, Director of the Center for the Study of Consecrated Life, will join Sister Julia Walsh in conversation to discuss themes in Sister Julia Walsh's forthcoming spiritual memoir, For Love of the Broken Body. Possible topics include discernment and adjustment to religious life, integration into community life, the evangelical counsels, and the complexities of publicly committing […]

Deep Inculturation: Global Voices on Christian Faith and Indigenous Genius.

    Book Launch
Rm 339

Contributing Authors Ferdinand Ikenna Okorie, CMF, is Vice President and Academic Dean, and Assistant Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago. He is the author of Favor and Gratitude: Reading Galatians in its Greco-Roman Context (Lexington Books, 2020), and co-editor of Bible, Interpretation and Context: Reading Meaning from an African […]

Spring 2024 Shapiro Lecture with Dr. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal

    In-Person & Online

It's complicated! Network analysis and Jewish-Christian relationships in the Babylonian Talmud.   This talk will introduce a new set of methodological tools for understanding the connections between Jews and Christians in late antiquity. Together with a zoologist, Prof. Yossi Yovel, Bar-Asher Siegal will use network analysis, commonly used in sciences, to generate models of inter-religious […]

CSCL Spring 2024 Symposium

    Meeting/Conference | Liturgy/Prayer Service
Online & In-Person

"Moving Along the Arc: Women and Men Religious as Agents of Reconciliation and Transformative Action Towards a More Racially Just Church and World" Together with The National Black Sisters’ Conference (NBSC), the Center for the Study of Consecrated Life (CSCL) at CTU continues the conversation about the role of consecrated religious women and men play […]

Varieties of Jewish Cultures


This panel discussion, moderated by Dr. Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah of University of Groningen, will feature experts on the Jewish communities of Iran, Yemen, and Morocco. After providing an overview of the history of Jewish life in the Middle East, Dr. Goldstein-Sabbah will facilitate a fascinating discussion that will explore the distinctive aspects of these ancient Jewish […]

Schreiter Institute 2024 Spring Symposium on Reconciliation

    conference/public lecture/prayer service
Online & In-Person

The global Church is entering into a culmination of a unique synodal process meant to renew global Catholicism and create a "listening Church". The presenters and attendees at this symposium will explore together how this synodal process can help bring about Pope Francis' image of the Church as an authentic "field hospital" that tends to the wounds of creation in global and local contexts. This unique gathering will convene scholars, theologians, artists, and practitioners in a public conversation about the challenges and possibilities for renewing the Catholic Church into a Field Hospital, through the Synodal process, that authentically attends to the healing of trauma and moral injury in God's creation.

Book Launch – Community of Missionary Disciples: The Continuing Creation of a Missionary Church, by Stephen B. Bevans, SVD


Longtime CTU faculty member Stephen B. Bevans, SVD has written an important new book drawing Pope Francis's call to missionary discipleship into dialogue with ecclesiology—how we understand what the Church is. Join us in this synodal season to hear Professor Bevans talk about his book as we celebrate his new missionary ecclesiology with responses from […]

Beyond Ite vos: Celebrating 800 years of Francis’s Stigmata

    Public Lecture
Room 210, CTU

SCOTUS DAY EVENT Beyond Ite vos: Celebrating 800 years of Francis's Stigmata ​At the death of St. Francis, Br. Elias announces the miracle of the wounds of Christ (stigmata) revealed on the body of Francis of Assisi. This miracle is further revealed by writers and artists, who attempt to capture the moment of the Stigmata. […]

Leading a Catholic Organization with and for LGBTQ+ Populations | Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, CM

    In-Person / Online
CTU - 210 BC

Longtime DePaul University president Dennis Holtschneider, CM has joined Catholic Theological Union as the Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Fellow for Catholic Leadership. Join us on September 25 at Noon for his installation as the Bernardin Fellow with a public lecture he will offer--"Leading a Catholic Organization with and for LGBTQ+ Populations." Prof. M. Therese Lysaught (Loyola-Chicago) […]

26th Annual Louis J. Luzbetak, SVD, Lecture on Mission and Culture

    In Person & Online

Annual lecture to be held on October 8, 2024 in CTU 210 B&C The Pyramid Beneath a Church: Causing Muted Signs to Speak in Inculturation Standing at the historic center of Cholula, Mexico, is a Spanish medieval Catholic church built over a decidedly larger ancient Aztec pyramid, memorializing the latter’s conquest under the power of the […]