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Scotus Day Event: Franciscan Influence on the Market Economy


The Franciscan vision of the economy, which had a remarkable development during the 13th-15th centuries, remains relevant today. This fact was recently recognized by Pope Francis when he convened a world meeting of young economists in Assisi, entitled “The economy of Francesco,” (online: Nov. 19-21, 2020) to promote a more fraternal economic system, more attentive to the poor and the environment.

Franciscan Influence on the Market Economy (Room 339 & Zoom)

Nov. 8, at 4 pm



Friar Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, was born in Zamora, Spain and is a Visiting Professor at the Franciscan School of Theology. He has lived in Rome since 1995, where he teaches ethics and communication at two Pontifical Universities: Antonianum (PUA) and Alfonsianum (PUL). He has served as Vice-Rector and Rector Magnificus ad interim at the PUA. He has published over 300 works, including 51 books in seven languages; among them, “A Free and Fraternal Economy: The Franciscan Perspective”. This book is the fruit of his extensive research on the contribution that the Franciscan friars made, during the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, to understand, accept, and humanize the incipient market economy, founding financial institutions like the “Mounts of Piety.” For more information on prof. Carbajo visit www.antoniano.org

  • Start Date
    November 8, 2023,4:00 pm CT
  • End Date
    November 8, 2023,6:00 pm CT
  • Hosted By
    • John Duns Scotus Chair
  • Event Type
    • Online & In-Person
  • Location
    • CTU
  • days hours minutes seconds

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