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Presidential Search Listening Session


Dear Friends,

You have now heard that our President, Barbara Reid, OP, will be passing the torch as president and will turn her focus again to biblical scholarship as a CTU faculty member at the end of this academic year. A search committee to find her replacement as president has been formed, with representatives drawn from the Board of Trustees, CTU Corporation Members, the faculty, students, Life Trustees, and donors.

The first task of the search committee is to craft a description of the role of the president in 2025 and beyond, recognizing that the role has changed in some subtle and not-so-subtle ways since the date Sr. Barbara took office.

To inform that process, the search committee has elected to convene a listening session based on the synodal model, Conversations in the Spirit. Participants will come together to pray, share, and listen to one another, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide us along the way.

The session will take place on Tuesday, November 19, from 4:00-6:00 pm (Central time). You are invited to participate in this facilitated listening session either in person at CTU or on Zoom.

We value all voices that wish to contribute to a definition of the role of CTU’s president at this point in the 21st century. I am sure Sr. Barbara’s announcement has evoked reflections of her many accomplishments and challenges during her tenure. We want to channel and distill those reflections as we journey to seek her successor.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the session.

Tom Brown

Chair, CTU Board of Trustees

Peacemakers 2023
  • Start Date
    November 19, 2024,4:00 pm CT
  • End Date
    November 19, 2024,6:00 pm CT
  • Hosted By
    • Chair, CTU Board of Trustees
  • Event Type
    • In Person & Online
  • Location
    • CTU
  • days hours minutes seconds

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