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Bernardin Center

In Good Faith – GEN Z Challenging Organized Religion



Rabbi Jessica Lott, (https://www.northwesternhillel.org/jessica-lott)
Jessica Lott grew up in Evanston and has worked in the Hillel world for over a decade, both on campus (at the University of Delaware, Temple University, and the University of Maryland) and at Hillel International’s headquarters, most recently as the Associate Vice President of Education at Hillel International and lead Educator for the Springboard Fellowship.

Jessica is a graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Jewish and Near Eastern Studies from Washington University in St Louis and a master’s degree in Social and Cultural Foundations of Education from DePaul University in Chicago. Jessica enjoys bike riding, singing, baking, doing crossword puzzles, hosting dinner parties, and gardening. She lives in Chicago with her husband, Rob, daughter, Shuli, and son, Noam.

Karen Ross, PHD, (https://ctu.edu/academics/pathwaysctu/)
Karen Ross, PhD (she/her/ella) is a graduate program director, theology and ethics professor, and yoga and mindfulness instructor. She currently works as the director of the Pathways@CTU program, which seeks to engage and empower young people- especially those from marginalized communities- in co-creating the church of tomorrow. She received her PhD in theology and ethics from Loyola University Chicago. Her teaching and research focuses on feminist ethics and Catholic sexuality education, particularly of young women and girls.

Sheikh Yousef Wahb (https://yaqeeninstitute.org/team/yousef-wahb)
Shaykh Yousef Wahb is an Islamic Law Instructor at the University of Windsor’s Faculty of Law and a Family Law Author for LexisNexis Canada. He holds an LL.M from Windsor Law, an MA from the University of Chicago Divinity School, and a Bachelor’s in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Shaykh Yousef is also a co-founding board member of Green Ummah, a founding board member of the University of Windsor Muslim Chaplaincy, and an Islamic Compliance Advisor at Beneficent. Currently, Shaykh Yousef is pursuing his PhD in Islamic Law at the University of Chicago Division of Humanities.

  • Start Date
    November 13, 2024,5:30 pm CT
  • End Date
    November 13, 2024,8:30 pm CT
  • Hosted By
    • Bernardin Center
  • Event Type
    • In Person
  • Location
    • CTU
  • days hours minutes seconds

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