
You’re about to join a truly global community of students from all walks of life and corners of the world. At CTU, we want to support you in your theological and ministerial career through robust, contextual coursework and personal formation that honors the breadth of your experiences.

Scholarship Priority Deadlines

  • Fall Semester: February 1st - Still accepting applications!

  • Spring Semester: December 1st

Questions about applying on time? Email us at admissions@ctu.edu

Application Process

Transcripts, letters of recommendation, personal statements and other supporting documents should be uploaded to the “applicant portal.” Instructions on how to access the “applicant portal” and how to upload documents will be provided once a person has completed and submitted an application.

Application Requirements

Master's Degrees
Doctor of Ministry
Continuing Education - Credit
Audit a Class
Information for International Students
Together Program Applications
d d
Bachelor's Equivalency Guidelines
Application Requirements Personal Statement Questions (approximately 3 pages, double spaced)
  • Degree Application Form
  • $55 Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Personal Statement
  • Resume
  • Transcript(s)
    • conferring a bachelor’s-level degree (or submission of BA equivalency documentation)
    • from all college and/or universities attended where academic credit was earned
    • Transcripts can be sent electronically to admissions@ctu.edu or by mail to 5416 S Cornell Ave, Chicago, IL 60615.
  • Three (3) Reference Letters
    • References will be requested on the application form and contacted by CTU
    • *MA in Theology applicants must have at least one academic reference

Please address the following:

I. How your background and experiences have led you to pursue a graduate degree in theology and ministry

II. Within the context of CTU’s mission and vision to prepare effective leaders for the church, witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace and be a transformative force in the Church and world for affirming human dignity and the sacredness of God’s creation alongside its intercultural, ecumenical, and interfaith partners

  • How do you understand your identity as a developing theologian/pastoral minister?
  • In what ways do you hope to grow and reimagine your ministerial identity during your time at CTU?

III. How do you intend to use your studies at CTU to contribute to dialogue in and address the challenges of the Church and the world?

Letter of Support

Members of religious communities and ordained clergy need to submit a letter indicating that their religious superior has provided permission for them to study at Catholic Theological Union and if their religious community or diocese will be providing any financial support for their tuition.

  • Degree application form
  • Three letters of recommendation
    • One (1) from an ecclesiastical superior or a religious supervisor who is in a position to evaluate your ministerial experience
    • One (1) from a person who can evaluate your academic ability
    • One (1) from a peer (a colleague in ministry or a friend).
  • Curriculum Vitae
    • Outline your education (degree and non-degree programs), ministry, publications, presentations, travel, and any other aspects of your professional life that could be of interest to the admissions committee. Note your specific background in the area of concentration you intend to study.
  • Reading List
    • Provide a list of the readings in theology and ministry that have been influential to you over the past 2 years. What journals do you read and what other professional resources have you found helpful in your ministry?
  • Personal Statement
    • Write a 1,000-1,500 word statement of your personal goals in ministry. Include a self-assessment describing the experiences that led you to set these goals, as well as your future potential for meeting them.
  • Application from faith traditions other than Christian
    • If you belong to a faith tradition other than a Christian denomination, describe why you chose to study on this academic level in this interfaith context. Since many of your colleagues will be reflecting out of a Christian perspective, describe how prepared you are to enter and influence that context.
  • Transcripts
    • Transcripts of all post-secondary academic credits are required
    • Transcripts can be sent electronically to admissions@ctu.edu or by mail to 5416 S Cornell Ave, Chicago, IL 60615.
  • Interview
    • The DMin review committee may request an interview
Application Requirements Personal Statement Questions (approximately 3 pages, double spaced)
  • Application form
  • $55 Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Personal Statement
  • Resume
  • Transcript(s)
    • conferring a bachelor’s-level degree (or submission of BA equivalency documentation)
    • from all college and/or universities attended where academic credit was earned
    • Transcripts can be sent electronically to admissions@ctu.edu or by mail to 5416 S. Cornell Ave, Chicago, IL 60615.
  • English proficiency
  • Two (2) Reference Letter (references will be requested on the application form and contacted by CTU)

Please address the following:

I. How your background and experiences have led you to pursue a graduate degree in theology and ministry

II. Within the context of CTU’s mission and vision to prepare effective leaders for the church, witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace and be a transformative force in the Church and world for affirming human dignity and the sacredness of God’s creation alongside its intercultural, ecumenical, and interfaith partners

  • How do you understand your identity as a developing theologian/pastoral minister?
  • In what ways do you hope to grow and reimagine your ministerial identity during your time at CTU?

III. How do you intend to use your studies at CTU to contribute to dialogue in and address the challenges of the Church and the world?

Letter of Support

Members of religious communities and ordained clergy need to submit a letter indicating that their religious superior has provided permission for them to study at Catholic Theological Union and if their religious community or diocese will be providing any financial support for their tuition.


If you are new to CTU If you have taken a class at CTU before

Additional requirements to be completed within the application form:

  • $55 Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Brief description of the course you would like to take and why.
  • Transcript(s) which confer a bachelor’s-level degree (or submission of BA equivalency documentation)
  • English proficiency
  • One (1) Reference Letter
    • References will be requested on the application form and contacted by CTU
    • For members fo religious communities, this should be your letter of support from your community.
You can register for courses through your SONIS portal. If you do not have a SONIS account set up, email Ryan Myrphy at rmurphy@ctu.edu.


If you are new to CTU If you have taken a class at CTU before

Additional requirements to be completed within the application form:

  • $55 Non-Refundable Application Fee
  • Brief description of the course you would like to take and why.
  • English proficiency
  • One (1) Reference Letter
    • For members of religious communities, this should be your letter of support from your community.
You can register for courses through your SONIS portal. If you do not have a SONIS account set up, email Ryan Myrphy at rmurphy@ctu.edu.

CTU welcomes the international student into our diverse community. We look forward to the rich experiences that you bring and contribute to the entire student body, faculty, and staff.

Considering the total cost of studying at CTU is a critical component in the decision to study here. We ask that the applicant allocate enough time between applying to CTU and when he/she wishes to start taking classes at CTU due to the visa application process.The amount of time needed to secure a visa can vary depending upon the applicant’s home country. We recommend applying at least 6 months before an applicant hopes to start classes at CTU. Since communication is also an important part of the admissions process, we ask that you contact the Admissions Office through email (admissions@ctu.edu).

This information is subject to change. For the most current information on student visas visit www.travel.state.gov.


English proficiency can be demonstrated by taking the TOEFL test and receiving an internet total score of 80(213 computer, 550 paper), with a 20 minimum (or equivalent) in four sections of reading, listening, speaking and writing on the TOEFL exam, or a minimum total score of 6.5, with a minimum score of 6 in the reading, writing, listening, and speaking subsections on the International English Language Testing (IELTS).

Another way to demonstrate proficiency in English is to show that all classes and assignments in the classes that you took for a bachelor or master degree that you received were conducted in English. This can be accomplished by having a letter sent to us from the registrar or other official from a college or university where you received a degree that states that the medium or language of instruction was in


The procedure for obtaining a valid Student Visa (F-1 visa) begins after a student has been admitted and may be a lengthy process. International students wanting to study at CTU must have a valid F-1 Non-Immigrant Student Visa. The student must apply for the visa at his/her U.S. embassy or consulate in their country. In order to apply for the student visa, the student must receive a valid I-20 form from CTU. In order for CTU to issue an I-20 form; one must have received a letter of admittance from CTU and then submit to CTU’s registrar:

  • Original Official Affidavit of Financial Support (I-134)
  • Copy of his or her passport ID picture page
  • Copy of visa page, if holding a current visa
  • Official copy of a current bank statement showing funds available,and
  • $2,000 monetary deposit towards his/her enrollment.
  • Detailed information on how to submit these materials will be provided once an applicant is admitted. This information is usually provided with their letter of admittance.

A Collaborative for Theological Education, Formation, and Community, cosponsored by Catholic Theological Union (CTU) and the Religious Formation Conference (RFC) will be offered as a pilot program beginning with the Fall semester, 2018. Roman Catholic Sisters and Brothers who are currently in formation and have completed their canonical novitiate year are invited to participate. Participants will enroll in a graduate theology program at CTU, share community in a designated space in the residence hall, and participate in ongoing formation together as an intercongregational, intercultural, and intergenerational cohort. 


An applicant seeking admission to CTU who does not have a bachelor’s degree, but who has extensive pastoral leadership experience and has taken several training programs and/or courses at the college level over a period of several years, may apply for an evaluation of BA equivalency.

Accreditation standards limit the percentage of students without an undergraduate degree allowed both in admissions to the degree programs and in registrations in courses. A student successfully assessed for the equivalency would be free of those constraints.

An evaluation of BA equivalency happens concurrently with CTU’s standard admissions process. Prospective students should complete and submit all paperwork needed as a part of CTU’s standard admissions requirements.

In addition to CTU’s standard admissions process, those without a BA who wish to be granted BA equivalency must also provide:

Procedures Outcomes / Skills Demonstrated
1. Copies of educational certificates and/or evaluations received (Archdiocesan/Diocesan programs, Lay Ministry Institutes, Community Organizing Training, Deaconate Formation, etc.) along with official transcripts from colleges and universities attended. The applicant’s ability to engage and dialogue with complex topics, issues, and ideas is demonstrated by grades and cumulative grade point average in transcripts, and successful completion of ongoing/continuing education opportunities.
2. Written description of ministerial roles, such as RCIA Coordinator, Social Justice Advocate, Catechetical Leader, Pastoral Associate and/or other leadership roles. A breadth and depth of professional-level experiences inclusive of leadership, is demonstrated along with communication, problem-solving, interpersonal, and basic computation skills.
3. A letter of recommendation from a Pastor or professional supervisor with whom the applicant has worked. The candidate’s professionalism and his/her professional competencies (e.g., decision-making skills, etc.) are confirmed.
4. A letter of recommendation from a facilitator of the prior educational training which addresses the applicant’s ability to engage in graduate level study for academic pursuits. The candidate’s aptitude for and propensity toward graduate-level study are verified. Competency in bachelors-level work is attested.
5. A five page typed essay addressing the following question: “How has my professional life and experience prepared me for graduate study at CTU?” Ability to express him/herself clearly in writing is demonstrated, including evidence of reflective, critical thinking and analytical skills, development and organization of coherent written thoughts, and adherence to standard grammar, spelling, and syntax.
6. A timeframe when the applicant is available for an interview with the appropriate program director. Ability to express him/herself clearly, process ideas, thoughts, and to analyze well when communicating orally through a verbal expression that is clear, logical, and organized.

If you have questions about demonstrating bachelor’s equivalency, or need more information, please contact:

Office of Enrollment and Management

Phone: 773.371.5451

Email: admissions@ctu.edu

DISCLAIMER: CTU prepares students for service in the Church and society. The good of the Church is the chief criterion for decisions concerning whether or not to accept, advance, and graduate any student in programs preparing people for professional ministry. Thus, CTU reserves the right to accept or reject any applicant, advance or dismiss any student, and recommend or refuse any student for graduation. All such decisions made by CTU are final.