The mission of Catholic Theological Union is to prepare effective leaders for the Church, ready to witness to Christ’s good news of justice, love and peace.

Meet the President

A message from Sr. Barbara Reid, OP

In accepting the presidency of CTU, Sister Barbara noted, “I have a deep love of CTU and a passionate desire to see it continue to thrive. It is an understatement to say that we are facing changes in our world and church of a kind and magnitude that are unprecedented. But with the expertise of CTU’s Board of Trustees, the commitment…

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Mission / Vision

You want a different kind of theological education

We understand. At CTU, we are impelled by the message of Jesus Christ to be a transformative force in the Church and world. Will you join us?

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Why CTU?

Why CTU?

CTU’s world renown faculty have been advancing theological thought for five decades. Members of the faculty have served as the General Editors of two new biblical commentaries; the Jerome Biblical Commentary for the Twenty First-Century and the Wisdom Commentary. CTU puts theology into practice as well. The recently created Schreiter Institute puts theology into practice by teaching Reconciliation Theology and Restorative Justice; making our communities better places to live.

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Our Story

We answered the call

In 1964, Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens of Belgium spoke at the University of Chicago and urged that seminaries of the future might be urban based, in the context of a great academic center, and ecumenical in spirit…

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A Religious Union

21 Men’s Religious Communities

CTU is governed by a corporation of 21 men’s religious communities. Provincials of each of the communities comprise CTU’s Corporation Board, responsible for the fiscal oversight of the institution.

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Chicago & Hyde Park

Your gateway to a global city

There’s nothing like a rich tapestry of 9 million people to provide opportunities for diversity, engagement and cultural enrichment. Through CTU, you will be instantly connected to ministries across the Chicagoland area

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