Respond to God’s call to serve college students in ministry. Model and inspire a commitment to
discipleship in faith by accompanying undergraduate students to foster spiritual growth, vocation
discernment, faith formation, catechesis, faith-based justice education and more. Apply your passion for
building and supporting the faith community in an inclusive Catholic and Marianist environment. The
University of Dayton Campus Ministry seeks to welcome new members to our dynamic ministry team.
Cultivates discipleship and belonging in the faith community with attention to outreach and
evangelization among upper class students fostering transformative encounters with God through campus
ministry. This position includes a focus on the development of Campus Ministry retreats grounded in the
Catholic tradition.
This position is NOT a live-in role, rather the Campus Ministers cultivate the faith community within a
residential community where they have an office. This position is a full-time, 11 month exempt position
with full benefits and a July 1, 2025 (or sooner) start date. Salary commensurate with experience. Please submit application,
cover letter, resume and list of references. Candidates must meet minimum qualifications to be
interviewed. Few will possess all preferred qualifications, but the most qualified will bring many. Be sure
to address all applicable minimum and preferred qualifications in your application so that we can
accurately assess your candidacy.